Saturday, July 27, 2024

The success of 7 Russian language students of the University of Isfahan in receiving the Russian state scholarship

The success of 7 Russian language students of the University of Isfahan in receiving the Russian state scholarship

With the cooperation of the professors of the Russian language of the University of Isfahan and the representative of Russian cooperation in Iran "Rus Satrodnichestova", seven undergraduate students of the first entry (2017) of the Russian language course succeeded in receiving the Russian government scholarship, a success that is an incentive for others. Out of a class of 25 students, 7 managed to receive a scholarship, which in turn is an outstanding achievement.
Certain applicants living outside Russia can apply for state scholarships on the same terms as Russian citizens once they pass entrance exams or Uniform State Examination (EGE).

Every year Russian government provides so-called ‘state-funded spots’ at universities to international applicants.
International students (university graduates) who are completing internships in programs of additional vocational education (professional training or career advancement) do not receive a maintenance allowance but do receive accommodation in the dormitory of their university. Allocation of quotas is carried out by Rossotrudnichestvo (The Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation) through its international network of offices, as well as through embassies of Russia.
 In addition to a high level of education, students in Russia get the opportunity to continue their scientific activities and find interesting jobs.

Russia is a recognized leader in the training of mathematicians, physicists, chemists, engineers, programmers, doctors, as well as representatives of creative professions. Classical education is considered one of the strongest in the world. Every year Russian universities occupy leading positions in world rankings.

Russian universities conduct bachelor's and specialist's, master's, and postgraduate (residency, postgraduate) programs. You can also start your path to a prestigious diploma with training programs, summer schools, courses for studying Russian as a foreign language, etc.
Isfahan University
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