Office of Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
University of Isfahan
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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The Office of Physical Education

Director of General Office of Physical Education

Dr.Gholam Ali Ghasemi

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 The Office of Physical Education

This office, following the Annual Sports Calendar of the the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology and the Sports Calendar of the University performs notable activities with the aim of creating vitality and vigor among students and the development of public sports, educational programs, athletics and other extracurricular sports for the students and the staff as well as developing and maintaining physical activity facilities.

Extracurricular Sports Activities
Such activities for female students cover sports such as table tennis, basketball, handball, volleyball, futsal, swimming, karate, track and field, badminton, taekwondo, bodybuilding, walking, aerobics and yoga. Male students have the options of playing table tennis, fitness, swimming, tennis, athletics, basketball, wrestling, taekwondo, handball, volleyball, soccer, football, rock climbing and archery. The female staff can also take part in sports activities namely yoga, exercise in the morning, badminton, walking, gym, aerobics, volleyball, swimming while the male staff can play sports like volleyball, futsal, basketball, bodybuilding, archery, badminton, rock climbing, table tennis and swimming. These exercises are considerably welcome by the academics of the University every year.
Sports Programs in Dormitories

The office of Physical Education is responsible for providing students living in dormitories with sports facilities and equipments for indoor as well as outdoor activities with the aim of promoting their welfare and helping them fill their leisure time.

Public Sports Section

This section is responsible for holding annual within-university sports festivals, public sports festivals, Physical Education Week competitions, Dormitories Week competitions and competitions held in different occasions. It has been attempted to include non-professional activities in this section so that all students can take part.

Athletic Sports Section
The athletic sports activities of this office includes athletic competitions between the universities in District 4, public sports Olympiads, Talented Students Olympiad as well as the Olympiad of Shahed and Isargar students (Shahed: martyrs' children and/or spouse. Isargar: militated, injured or imprisoned soldiers during the Imposed War). These competitions are held between different districts and dispatching teams to international competitions is done with the cooperation of the National Federation for Student Sports.

Training Classes
In order to promote the scientific and technical levels of students in sports-related areas, both qualitatively and qualitatively, different coaching and refereeing classes as well as educational workshops are held every year. These classes include coaching and refereeing in physical fitness, Pilates, handball, volleyball, basketball, swimming, badminton, soccer and futsal classes which are held on demand from students majoring in Physical Education and professionals from other majors and in cooperation with their respective federations.

The University Sporting Areas
The sporting areas of the university, available for students and staff, amount to 52000 square meters which can provide the necessary facilities for all extracurricular, public and athletic events. Substantial development and improvement of sporting facilities and areas are performed annually.

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