Office of Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
University of Isfahan
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
فا |Ar

Student Healthcare Center

Director of Healthcare Center
    Dr.Majid ghias
    Phone: +98-31-37932324  
    Email Address:
    Personal Page address:

University Healthcare Center as the authority in charge of establishing physical and mental health services for both students and staff, has taken major steps towards achieving its health objectives through the implementation of health management programs. In addition to dealing with health issues of the students and the staff, this center has been pursuing the major objectives of WHO, namely disease preventions, through performing annual check-up programs, vaccinations and holding educational workshops.
Monitoring the hygienic status of dining halls, pools and food booths as well as the health status of the staff and students are among other responsibilities of this center.
University Healthcare Center is ready to provide medical services and treatments for its clients. This center provides students, staff as well as faculty members and their families with the following services: examination and treatment, vaccination and injection, dressing, the ECG, blood pressure control, weight and diet services as well as health, genetics and marriage counseling. This unit has also created student unions focusing on different areas namely health, nutrition and hygienics, herbal therapy, art therapy, counter narcotics and first aids. It has also held various seminars to raise awareness among students of the above-mentioned issues and to familiarize them with topical global health issues, in particular the prevention of diseases like hepatitis and AIDS.

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