Office of Industry Relations
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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

The Council of Industry Relations


The Council of Industry and Society Relations in the University of Isfahan was established with the aim of promoting cooperation between the Director of the Office of Industry and Society Relations and faculties and educational and research departments of the University as well as fulfilling the need for utilizing the ideas and comments of the staff involved in extra-university projects.

Responsibilities of the Council 
  • Establishing consistency and coordination between the research units of the University
  • Contributing to policy-making procedures with the aim of strengthening and developing applied researches needed by the society
  • Fostering the University’s relations with the society
  • Contributing to editing and introducing regulations and administrative instructions for the Office of Industry and Society Relations
  • Contributing to directing post-graduate theses towards tackling the problems of the society and industry
  • Contributing to attaining the goals of the Office of Industry and Society Relations and implementing its plans
Members of the Council:
  • The Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology
  • The Director of the Office of Industry and Society Relations
  • The Director of Research Affairs (The representative of the Council of Research and Technology)
  • The Director of Technology Affairs
  • The Director of the Office of Technology Development
  • The Directors of Research Centers and Research Institutes
  • Faculty Representatives recommended by the Deans of Faculties
  • Directors of the Centers for Excellence
  • One to three faculty members with distinguished experience in industry and society relations
Representatives from Industry and Administrative Organizations are sometimes invited to the meetings with the aim of strengthening the relations and benefiting from their expert comments.
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