Central Labratory
                        Farsi Arabic
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

How to submit samples

The following steps have to be followed to submit a sample:

1. Download the related analysis form from the website of the Central Laboratory.
2. Complete the analysis form completely and legibly.
3. Pay the analysis, solvents and preparation fees, calculated according to the announced tariffs, into the account 2177240238002 (identification code of 110335) at Bank Melli (University of Isfahan Branch) in the name of “the University’s independent incomes (Central Laboratory) “ payable to Melli Bank branches all over the country .
4. Submit the bank receipt together with the analysis request form via express mail to the Central Laboratory of the University of Isfahan.
5. To be entitled to Students Discount, you need to attach your university’s confirmation letter to the bank receipt.
Important Considerations: 
- Carefully choose the analysis type you need.
- Write on the sample your name and the needed analysis type.
- 10% Students Discounts are only offered to applicants who can submit a valid confirmation letter issued by their universities.
- You need to include your National ID Number in the analysis request form.
- All fees related to solvents and preparations need to be paid into the University’s “independent incomes” account.
- Please note that if the required documents are incomplete, your sample will not be sent to the specialized laboratory for analysis.
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