Office of Vice Chancellor for Socio-Cultural Affairs
University of Isfahan
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
فا |Ar
By trusting in Allah, the Almighty, the All-wise, and by seeking His succor, and in line with satisfying the transcendental goals of the sacred regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and according to the guidelines of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei (Long may he live), in order to perform one's duties to the Islamic Revolution and the exalted martyrs of Islam, satisfy the cultural goals and motivations as stipulated in the text of the Constitution and in other ministerial rules and regulations in relation to propagating the culture and knowledge of the pure Muhammadan Islam (Peace be upon him) and reasonably and fundamentally confronting the decadent cultural assault, and by observing all the legal requirements, the Vice Chancellor for Social and Cultural Affairs of the University of Isfahan was established.
Administration of Social and Cultural Planning
Social Pathology Unit
Supervision and Assessment Unit
Planning Unit
Cultural Studies Unit
Logistics Unit
Department Management
Department Management
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